
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple Ways To Focus In Class!

Students always lack of focus when they are in the class and I am so tired of telling my students to pay attention!

If you are eager to increase your focus in class and you just have no idea how to, or why you are distracted while the teachers are teaching, so my post this time will come in handy. Just make sure you read every line! Haha..

I come up with a simple formula [GEARS] as an easy tips anyone could use to focus in the class. All You have to do is do as I suggest!

1) Get Enough Beauty Sleep -

Okay, I know you all might think you are old enough to stay up until 2 or 3a.m, but that's not the case here. As a student, does not matter whether you are in a Primary school, a Secondary school or even a University or a College, you are NOT allowed to stay up all night long playing games or surfing the net! You have to take at least 6, 7, or 8 hours of sleep. 8 hours is the best. SO change your bedtime as early as 12a.m BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!

2) Eat HEALTHY breakfast -

Eating a breakfast in the morning gives you fresh energy for the day. And notice the capitalized HEALTHY? A healthy breakfast does not mean a big breakfast. A couple of toast, with a fresh Orange juice with pulpy (advisable but optional) and a nice serving of hard boiled egg is a good example for a healthy breakfast. You could also consider cereals and milk, nasi lemak, nasi goreng as your menu. But if you're thinking something big, STOP it! Just take just enough amount of food for your breakfast.

3) Avoid Sitting With Friends -

I know, I know. You all want to sit beside your best friends and together have a wonderful teenagehood, but if you care about your future, you might want to avoid sitting with your friends. Or if you'll end up dying without your friends besides you, you could always try your best to resist temptations to chat and moan about your problems. You could always chat about anything without any restriction outside of classroom hour, but avoid doing it while your in the class.

4) Make eye contact -

Your teacher is not just standing there in front of the class babbling for nothing! They are lecturing you the most precious speech you might ever heard! And your eyes should not be drifting out the window! Appreciate them. Make eye contact with them, look at them. Take notes and be alert of what they say. They might use their body language to give you hints on what's coming in the exams or what's important for your finals. This tips also could help you to give amazing focus to the lecture.

5) Stay involved in classroom activities -

This is one of the easiest way to be focus in class. Get yourself more involved in the class activities. Ask questions. DO the exercises. Discuss with your group or friends when you teacher ask you to. DO everything your teacher ask you to do. Obey their instructions because they only want the best out from you.

Now that you are done reading my simple tips, there's only one more thing I would like you to do. PRACTICE IT! DON'T just read it and keep doing all those things that have been keeping you to fail to focus in class! Or I have to become more strict in class! A RM10 fund every time you are making noise, daydreaming and doing something else during class!

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